The issue of stoned driving is a real one, and thank goodness a few serious journalists have taken it upon themselves to investigate the subject. (In this case, our own local newsteam at KIRO 7). We stole their footage, and added our own take on the subject. Could you pass the Stoned Driving Test?
The full Stoned Driving Test video is here:
About the Author
Michael is a journalist and filmmaker. His award-winning documentary, Sleeping with Siri is playing film festivals across the country. Stusser runs TechTimeout campaigns in high schools across the country, asking teenagers to give up their digital devices (for a little while) in order to find balance, and perhaps even make eye-contact with their parents.You Might also like
Welcome to Medical Marijuana Tampa —or, as some are calling it, Cannabis U. Their slogan: “Take Your Career To A Higher Level.” -
Never Fear, The Pot Will Appear: Everything You Need to Know About Washington’s Recreational Roll-Out
The moment in history has arrived – enabling citizens to walk into a store and LEGALLY buy a bag of marijuana! But hold on a sec…
If there’s any way you can wait a few days to buy your legal weed from a recreational store in Washington State, you should. Seattle’s first retail pot shop, Cannabis City, is going to be a mob-scene when the doors open at (high) noon – and then they’re gonna run out of marijuana. The same will be true with the other 23 stores given retail licenses by the state today.
Though Washington State made weed legal a year and a half ago with the passage of Initiative 502, it’s taken some time to fine-tune the details. State agencies have had to vet growers, deal with inspections (now there’s a fun job!), quarantine herb before it could be shipped, and grant licenses to retailers who then had to install security cameras, tinted windows, pot-tracking software(!) and hopefully a Slurpee machine! (Imagine if they ran these kinds of background checks for folks trying to buy firearms!)
Right off the bat, there will be extremely limited supplies for ganja, as only 79 growers got the permits (from over 7000 applications!), and most those harvests won’t come in until late this month. So if you were looking forward to the PowerPurpleKushBerryCrunch that won the Cannabis Cup, yer gonna be waiting a bit longer. But hey – all good things are worth waiting for – besides, that SuperChronicHydroponic stuff will put you on the couch for days on end. Moderation, man! Prices will start high (up to $400 an ounce – ouch), but like Teslas, Furby dolls and the Galaxy S5, come down over time. Besides, would you rather pay $25 for a legal gram, or go black-market style, potentially rooming in the tank with Big Bubba while funding Mexican cartels and an over-crowded and money-sucking prison system?
Oh – and those Reefer’s Peanut Butter cup brownies you were so excited to try – that ain’t gonna happen anytime soon either. No edibles have so far been given the green light in Washington, as the process for licensing kitchens has been painfully slow. (Part of the debate has been a good one, with lawmakers wishing to make sure THC-laden edibles and sodas are not targeted to kids and that labels are clear enough even for Maureen Dowd to understand.) While I like the idea of child-resistant packaging, it’s hard enough for non-stoned adults to open a damn aspirin bottle, so I do hope they don’t make things too difficult…
Within a month or so, things will be running as smooth as the cool-kids have it goin’ on in Colorado, with varied and plentiful products, and more tax dollars than ever to blow on items like roads, infrastructure, and, hopefully, drug education and teacher’s salaries. Unlike Colorado, a major hurdle in Washington that has never been addressed is the way medical marijuana dispensaries will be treated. As of now, the myriad of retail regs are not being applied to these long-standing dispensaries, causing hell and havoc for many card-carrying marijuana patients who are truly in need and benefit greatly from the medicinal uses of weed.
The good news for those who do have marijuana cards – the strange gray-area they currently reside in allows them to purchase edibles of all-kinds – including licorice chews, gourmet chocolates and marijuana-infused hard candies. Not that I’ve tried any…
When it comes to the marijuana movement, it’s important to keep the mellow in mind, and visualize the Big Picture. As of this very moment: two States have legalized weed, and 20 more are scheduled to vote on the issue in the next two years. Like marriage equality, it’s going to happen – we just need the naysayers, Bible-thumpers and right-wing fundamentalists to come to their senses or, more likely, succumb to the will of the people – and the democratic process.
An essay from Higher Ground correspondent Michael Stusser.
As I write this, I’m stoned to the bejeezus. Most my writing sessions begin
this way, firing up a bowl, cranking the stereo, and then hitting the
keyboard for all-night diatribes of psychedelic discourse (editing sessions
are done sober, as a more steady hand is required for sentence structure,
syntax, and coherent thought). Sorry, what was I saying? Oh, right. Thank
god I’m not an air traffic controller.As a modern-day pothead, I’ve replaced my hacky sack with a Saab, roll
joints rather than smoke out of an 8-foot Graphix, and sport Kenneth Cole
more often than tie-dye. But let not my closeted dope smoking be mistaken
for embarrassment. I’m a proud Rain-City Rastafarian and light up in public
as often as possible. Still, like the heads from yesteryear, I have no
interest in getting busted by the Man.Folks have smoked weed ever since it originally sprouted out of God’s green
earth, not because it tastes great, but for the euphoric rush that
accompanies it. Through the centuries, this elevated state has been
responsible for colossal breakthroughs that would not have come about au
naturel: the notion that the world is not flat, for example–that guy was
stoned on pot brownies.Whether for invention, inspiration, or just plain recreation, cannabis
continues to spark creativity and is damn festive fodder. Call me partial,
but parties with people passing the peace pipe seem a lot more fun than
bashes with bloated beer-bingeing and belching (not to mention less
calories). In addition, with ganja you can usually maintain if necessary
(unlike LSD), passing a joint is quite social (unlike blow), and, though
ecstasy seems the substance of choice for the new generation, when the
chemical effects make ravers forget where they live, you’ll be glad you
went organic.Along with herb counterculture comes an “It’s all good” vibe that, in our
road-raging times, is helpful for keeping a lid on things (no pun
intended). Something about firing up a fatty hits the Hippie Nostalgia
button, harkening back to a “Make love not war” philosophy that’s as
relevant today as ever.Marijuana affects different people differently. Many gave up grass because
it made them sleepy, comatose, or they started seeing dark figures slip
around corners. For me, ganja is like a quadruple latte–I’m jacked up and
nimble, having (seemingly) deep, meaningful realizations that my overly
stressed, multitasking, wildly distracted synapses cannot come to in their
normally abstemious condition. As they say in the brochure, sinsemilla
heightens the senses: Thus, Moulin Rouge was better baked, as is Laserium,
Isaac Scott, and a Dick’s hot fudge sundae. Once I become paranoid, tense,
obese, or can’t get it up, I’ll quit. And yes, that’s the talk of an addict.No doubt there are harms to smoking marijuana; anyone who has ever had
bongwater spilled on their carpet can attest to that. Over time, it may
also make you stupid, fill your lungs with black sludge, and induce
indolence and the urge to buy a Lava Lamp. But like alcohol, firearms,
tobacco, and the freedom to drive a big-ass SUV, I should have the right to
kill my own brain cells in the privacy of my own hovel.Speaking of which, my tobacco waterpipe calls. Please hold. . . .
Clearly, everyone should NOT get stoned; surgeons, psychos, and small
children should refrain at least until after hours or till their homework’s
done. As for the rest of us, the key is moderation. Those who “wake ‘n’
bake” are probably using the ##### in an unhealthy manner and should get off
the couch, bathe, and take a hard look in the mirror.(God, I look awful.)
For those of us who do use responsibly (I like the sound of that), the
issue at hand is that we’re criminals (forcing our friends who are cops and
DAs to step out of the room each time we partake). According to NORML
(National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), almost 20 million
Americans fire up at least once a year (22 mil are on Prozac). And 700,000
of those are arrested annually for doing so, which is not only apt to harsh
your buzz, but costs taxpayers a mint.Maybe you’re one of those Bill Clinton types: “Didn’t inhale, didn’t enjoy
it, don’t support it.” Well, that’s bullshit, and you know it. You probably
ran out of connections, and now have kids and conservative neighbors, but
secretly wish more folks in your hood passed a blunt around the BBQ. I’m
here ta tell ya, we Potheads need you. The country needs you.Now that I think about it, maybe drugs DO lead to insurrection. My heart
and mind race with thoughts of freedom, personal rights, interconnectivity,
instant karma, and (back to the topic) legalization! I am angry. Not for
the sorry sick fuckers who need to overcome tremors or glaucoma or nausea
or chemo, but for the creative minds, seeking higher artistic heights,
searching for meaning in a world that has too many limitations already.Legalization will come about when enough people have the courage to speak
up and admit to having smoked pot, enjoyed the experience, and support the
RIGHT to do so. (Plus, it’ll then make it a whole lot easier for you to get
some.) So go to HEMPfest (Help End Marijuana Prohibition). Sign a petition.
Burn one down. You may find it empowering to advocate something in this
blase age of nonradical politics. It might even make you more vigilant
about other issues that are pissing you off. Get up, stand up, and
“Question Authority,” dude.
See the original post at 420 Magazine