About the Author
A Gonzo journalist hailing from New York City, Gonzo has contributed to pretty much every marijuana magazine and blog in the nation. He covers Medicinial, Growing and National News for Higher Ground. And since it’s not legal where he lives, he’ll remain anonymous. For now.You Might also like
Robin Williams: Simply the Best
The great Robin Williams suffered from addiction and depression – no laughing matter – but also found humor in marijuana’s effects. We’ve posted a few of his hilarious routines on the subject below. On a serious note, if you know anyone suffering from addiction or depression, and see signs they are in trouble, talk to friends and family about getting them the help they need.CLIPS
Cannacon 2014
Higher Ground hit the floor at CannaCon, one of the World’s largest cannabis conventions for businesses, growers and the public. Here’s a virtual tour!
When Late-Nite Went Political
At Higher Ground we’re trying to be relevant. We’re also trying to amuse, entertain, and every once in awhile go viral. The follow essay that appeared in The Columbia Journalism Review, is an inspiration.We hope to elevate the conversation (thus our name) about legalization, pop-culture, breaking news and politics. Plenty of greats have show theway: Carson. Cavett. Conan. Paar. Letterman. Stewart. DeGeneres. Colbert. Maher. Now it’s time to make some history in our own right.
When Late-Night Went Political – an essay by Chris Ip