When we see something fantastic, we either steal it, or share it. In this case…too good to steal. Educational, humorous, and historically accurate! The Tri-Fecta! And the narrator’s voice is off-the-hook! Great stuff!
About the Author
Zoe is a Portland-based blogger who covers Entertainment and Lifestyle for Higher Ground. And no, she does not watch Portlandia.You Might also like
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When Late-Nite Went Political
At Higher Ground we’re trying to be relevant. We’re also trying to amuse, entertain, and every once in awhile go viral. The follow essay that appeared in The Columbia Journalism Review, is an inspiration.We hope to elevate the conversation (thus our name) about legalization, pop-culture, breaking news and politics. Plenty of greats have show theway: Carson. Cavett. Conan. Paar. Letterman. Stewart. DeGeneres. Colbert. Maher. Now it’s time to make some history in our own right.
When Late-Night Went Political – an essay by Chris Ip