About the Author
A Gonzo journalist hailing from New York City, Gonzo has contributed to pretty much every marijuana magazine and blog in the nation. He covers Medicinial, Growing and National News for Higher Ground. And since it’s not legal where he lives, he’ll remain anonymous. For now.You Might also like
The Ultimate Election Update
We stand behind our outrageous tagline, The World’s Best Resource for Marijuana News, Entertainment and Culture. That said, when a Pulitzer-Prize-Winning newspaper that broke the Watergate and Pentagon Paper stories want to try and “scoop” us and break down the details, we let ’em!Thanks to reporters Denise Lu, Ted Mellnik and Niraj Chokshi for this update.
Up In Smoke Re-mix: Cheech Gets Stoned in 2018
The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question.