Since our initial investigative report on the dangers of smoking and driving (see video below)
others have taken up the cause. Here’s a comprehensive piece from our friends at The Daily Beast
About the Author
Zoe is a Portland-based blogger who covers Entertainment and Lifestyle for Higher Ground. And no, she does not watch Portlandia.You Might also like
Marijuana’s Moment Has Arrived
When we find people more articulate than ourselves, we feature them. I mean, why wouldn’t we? The following essay by Princeton University historian Julian Zilizer breaks down the reason legalization is inevitable. We couldn’t have said it better….
Stoned Driving
The issue of stoned driving is a real one, and thank goodness a few serious journalists have taken it upon themselves to investigate the subject. (In this case, our own local newsteam at KIRO 7). We stole their footage, and added our own take on the subject. Could you pass the Stoned Driving Test?The full Stoned Driving Test video is here:
Washington State is considering including pot vending machines in their retail stores! The self-serve machines are being touted as “convenient for customers who don’t want to wait in lines, and for those who are particularly shy.”