July 8th, 2016 marked the one-year anniversary of retail cannabis sales in the state of Washington, and while the implementation of I 502 has been a success on many levels, a recent change in cannabis laws regarding medical marijuana enacted during the last legislative session have mandated many radical and unpopular changes to the nation’s second oldest medical marijuana program … for an update on cannabis in Washington state CPM’s Brian Bahouth spoke with Michael Stusser, Seattle Weekly columnist and host of Higher Ground TV … listen to this mix of words and music …
About the Author
Michael is a journalist and filmmaker. His award-winning documentary, Sleeping with Siri is playing film festivals across the country. Stusser runs TechTimeout campaigns in high schools across the country, asking teenagers to give up their digital devices (for a little while) in order to find balance, and perhaps even make eye-contact with their parents.You Might also like
(AP) – Oklahoma pro-marijuana advocates are pushing for a second signature drive to get the issue a statewide vote, this time for full legalization of cannabis, similar to Colorado and Washington.
Supporters of marijuana legalization filed an initiative petition on Friday with the Oklahoma secretary of state’s office. They will have three months to gather more than 155,000 signatures from registered voters to get the proposal on a statewide ballot.
It is the second marijuana-related initiative petition underway in Oklahoma. Supporters of medicinal marijuana already have launched a petition drive that would legalize the drug only for medical purposes.
Several politicians from both sides of the political aisle have announced their support for pro-marijuana initiatives, including both of the Republicans running against Gov. Mary Fallin in the June 24 GOP primary election.
(Odd) Oregon News: Top Addiction Expert Kicks off YES Ad Campaign
The “Yes for Legalization” Campaign in Oregon State got a boost from a seemingly unusual supporter: Richard Harris. As the former director of Addictions and Mental Health Services for the state of Oregon, Harris held the highest position for directing drug treatment and addiction programs in the entire state.
The Votes Are IN: Prohibition On the Way OUT
Alaska? YES! Oregon? YES! Washington DC? YES! Guam? YES? Higher Ground? YES!And while the referendum in Florida did not pass, let us give you some good news from the Sunshine State (where 58% of the voters supported medical marijuana initiative!). The issue brought out young voters, and they supported the measure big-time. Politicians from BOTH parties must now pay serious attention to States where marijuana is on the ballot, as young citizens will flood to the polls, and paying attention to geriatric politicians and other progressive causes as they vote on various important issues.
November brought a significant set of votes and victories. And once California joins the recreational realm in November of 2016 (after pioneering the medical dispensary vote in 1996), the catnip will be out of the bag. It’s a long ride, and looking up for the legalization movement.
For further analysis on the elections, votes on decriminalization, and future of legalization, here are the 5 fab articles on the subject.