Though cannabis is constantly in the news, very few people have actually been inside a legal recreational store. We went to Green-Theory, a high-end marijuana shop a few miles from the Microsoft campus. Here’s what legalization – and the future of weed – looks like!
About the Author
Zoe is a Portland-based blogger who covers Entertainment and Lifestyle for Higher Ground. And no, she does not watch Portlandia.You Might also like
Senator Caught Buying Weed!
The investigative reporters at Higher Ground caught State Senator buying a bag of marijuana red-handed – capturing the entire event on tape!This was no Mayor Rob Ford scandal – instead, State Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles, who has been instrumental in crafting medical marijuana legislation since 1995, was one of the first customers to legally purchase pot at a recreational store today.
Check out some of the first day’s less scandalous coverage here:
And, most importantly, my post on The Good Men Project
The History of Marijuana in 4 Minutes and 20 Seconds
When we see something fantastic, we either steal it, or share it. In this case…too good to steal. Educational, humorous, and historically accurate! The Tri-Fecta! And the narrator’s voice is off-the-hook! Great stuff!
Most cartoons are annoying, and we certainly don’t like adult subject matter shown to kids (yes, Family Guy and Beavis, we’re talkin’ to you), but this is funny…and slightly educational!